About Katti Kidney Clinic
Learn about our mission to provide comprehensive and compassionate care for urologic conditions, with a focus on patient-centered treatment and education. Meet our experienced urology doctor and discover our state-of-the-art facility.

Dr. Pawan Katti
M.B.B.S., M.S., M.Ch. (Urology), F.MAS
Dr. Pawan Katti, our lead urologist, is a highly experienced and compassionate doctor who is dedicated to providing the best possible care for our patients. With years of experience in urologic medicine and surgery, Dr. Pawan Katti is known for his expertise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of urologic conditions. He takes a patient-centered approach to care, focusing on open communication, personalized treatment plans, and excellent outcomes.
He is known for his expertise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of urologic conditions, including kidney stones, prostate cancer, and urinary tract infections. Dr. Pawan Katti is committed to providing compassionate care and works closely with each patient to develop personalized treatment plans that address their unique needs and concerns. With his knowledge, experience, and dedication to patient care, Dr. Pawan Katti] is a trusted provider for urologic care.

Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka

M.S.(Gen. Surgery)
S.D.U.Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka

World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, New Delhi

M.Ch (Urology)
Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Research Papers
Research Paper 01
Mini-Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy vs. Retrograde Intra-Renal Surgery – Edge?
Pradeep K. Sharma, Pawan Katti, Shekhar Baweja, Vikas Aggrawal, Rupesh Nagori, M.K. Chhabra
SAS J. Surg., May 2020;6(5):228-231
Research Paper 02
Spectrum of pediatric urinary stone composition in North Western India: Analysis at tertiary care center
Rama Kishan Saran, Pawan Katti, Kiran Mirdha, Sanya Saran, Rajendra Prasad Takhar
Int. J. Res. MedSci., Nov 2019;7(11):4102-4106
Research Paper 03
Safety and efficacy of percutaneous nephrolithotomy in paediatric age group: Our 3 year experience in western Rajasthan
Pradeep K. Sharma, Shekhar Baweja, Vikas Aggrawal, Pawan Katti, Rupesh Nagori, M.K. Chhabra Int. Surg. J., Apr 2020;7(4):1127-1132
Research Paper 04
Non-invasive preoperative assessment of ureteral stone impaction using peri-calculus ureteral thickness on non-contrast CT scan: A prospective study
Pradeep K. Sharma, Vikas Aggrawal, Shekhar Baweja, Rupesh Nagori, Pawan Katti, M.K. Chhabra International Journal Of Surgery and Orthopedics, Apr 2020;6(2):67-71
Research Paper 05
Our experience of arteriovenous fistula creation as vascular access for hemodialysis
Pradeep K. Sharma, Rupesh Nagori, Shekhar Baweja, Vikas Aggrawal, Pawan Katti, M.K. Chhabra Int. Surg. J., Jul 2020;7(7):2321-2324
Research Paper 06
Evaluation of triple test score in palpable breast lump
Pawan Katti, Anupam Choudhary, Sreeramulu P.N., Vijay Aggrawal Sch.J.App.Med.Sci., 2016;4(4C):1278-1282
Research Paper 06
Incidence and management of acalculus cholecystitis in denque fever – A retrospective study
Sreeramulu P.N., Shashirekha C.A., Pawan Katti IJBAR, 2014;5(09):422-24